Director/Producer/Costumer: Sylvia Amorino
Conductor/Musical Director/Pianist: Philip Kuttner
Pianist: Paul G McCurdy
Scenic Designer: Peter Crompton
Lighting Designer: Patrick Toebe
Photography: John Buyer
Graphics and Illustrations: Pamela Goodman
Venue / Date: Del Valle Theatre – December 2014
Gretel: Diane Squires
Hansel: Megan Stetson
The Witch: Deborah Rosengaus
Father: Bradley Kynard
Mother: Jamie Samantha Lee
Dew Fairy/Gretel Cover: Angela Jarosz
Sandman/Hansel Cover: Jacque Eileen Wilson
Gingerbread Children: Contra Costa Children’s Chorus
Fourteen Angels: Lori Buffalow’s The Next Step Dance Studio